So now you are able to pawn a car and get your desired cash loan under one roof. After paying off the loan get your car back in the exact same condition you left it when you received your cash for the car. Understanding that a car is one of the most valuable assets in a person’s life, we have safe and secure storage facilities for all pawn cars so that they are extremely safe and secure. Rest assured you will definitely find your car in the exact same condition you left it in, even down to the odometer reading.
Whether you need to pawn a car for cash, we offer competitive rates in this industry and would like to not only offer you what you need at that specific time but also we are really keen on building sustainable working relationships. This is how LMB Pawn Gold and Diamond exchange has grown from strength to strength over the years. Remember we also sell cars and we buy cars so sell second-hand cars at LMB Pawnshop and get paid cash on the same day.